The Congressional bill would guarantee a monthly check of 1,200 for Americans

The Congressional bill would guarantee a monthly check of 1,200 for Americans

After months of waning interest in the stimulus package, a Democratic congressman has introduced a bill that would send monthly checks to many Americans in the form of guaranteed income

Sponsored by Representative Iran Omar (Democrat, Minnesota), the "Sending Unconditional Payments to People Overcoming Resistances to Triumph ( SUPPORT)" would pay $1,200 per month to single taxpayers earning less than $75,000 per year and married taxpayers earning less than $150,000 per year In addition, $600 per month per dependent family would be paid to families with children

For those earning more than that, the amount would be phased down by $5 for each $100 increase in income, and would be completely cut off at $100,000 per year (for single taxpayers) and $200,000 per year (for married couples combined) There is no cap on the number of dependents

To qualify for the income guarantee, the recipient must have resided in the US for at least 18 months and be considered a resident and non-dependent for tax purposes

Importantly, if the bill moves forward, monthly checks would be provided in a regional pilot program beginning in 2023, but would not begin in earnest until January 2028

Omar's bill has a number of co-sponsors and co-sponsors, including Rep Marie Newman (D-Ill) Rep Marie Newman (D-Ill) and Rep Jamal Bowman (D-NY) have also co-sponsored it Other progressive legislators have proposed additional relief in the form of a fourth stimulus check or ongoing monthly payments during the pandemic Advocates of these proposals say they would have a significant impact on poverty reduction

However, as the economy shows signs of improvement, states are ending additional unemployment benefits and the Biden administration is focusing on priorities such as the infrastructure bill just approved by the Senate At this point, there are few signs of widespread support for income guarantees or further stimulus measures
