Ask the Expert: Will vacuuming my mattress eliminate bed bugs?

Ask the Expert: Will vacuuming my mattress eliminate bed bugs?

Even the best mattresses with the latest hypoallergenic technology are not immune to bed bug infestations So, if you are concerned that your mattress may have bed bugs after the recent outbreak, the next question you may be asking yourself is how to actually get rid of them

Bed bugs suck blood like stealth, lurking in dark corners of mattresses and soft furnishings, waiting for an opportunity to attack Once embedded in a home, bed bugs are very difficult to get rid of One of the most frequently asked questions is whether vacuuming the mattress will get rid of bed bugs We posed that question to the experts below If you read this and decide there is no hope for your mattress, read our guide on how to dispose of a mattress with bed bugs and the steps to take

A thorough cleaning of your mattress is a great place to start in the battle against bed bugs However, Steven Wales, a pest control specialist at Bespoke Pest Control, warns that vacuuming mattresses alone will not eliminate bed bug infestations, as bed bugs can be found throughout the home

"Bed bugs live in and around their hosts, not just in and on the mattress," explains Wales, who has over 20 years of pest control experience "They can hide in bed frames, electrical outlets, drawers, stuffed animals, behind pictures, in light fixtures, basically anywhere there is a crevice They also live in sofas and chairs, so it's not just a mattress or bedroom problem" [Georgios Liakopoulos, pest control technician at Fantastic Pest Control, recommends vacuuming along with other measures Liakopoulos says, "[Vacuuming] helps get rid of bed bugs, eggs, and debris, but bed bugs often hide in cracks, crevices, and deep in mattresses" The most effective way to combat an infestation is to combine vacuuming with other methods, such as using insecticides, heat treatments, and hiring a professional pest control company"

You can check for bed bugs by pulling back the covers and taking a closer look, paying particular attention to the seams and folds of the mattress, which bed bugs love

Bed bug fecal matter (which looks like small black spots), one-millimeter eggs, shed skin, bloody stains, and a musty odor are all fairly strong signs that bed bugs are inhabiting your mattress However, despite their name, bed bugs can also make their home in bed frames, duvets, pillows, and headboards, so Wales recommends that these areas be thoroughly inspected as well

Bedding and pajamas should be washed in a hot wash machine and vacuumed on the mattress after carefully reading product instructions Focus on getting into any folds or creases, which is where bed bugs prefer to hide When finished, take the vacuum outside and empty it into a bag before placing it in the outside bin

According to Wales, this is to prevent bed bugs from taking up residence in the vacuum cleaner Before starting work, make sure you are using the best vacuum cleaner for the job Liacopoulos recommends one with a HEPA filter and brush attachment

In addition to a thorough vacuum, Liakopoulos advises those with an existing bed bug infestation to invest in a steam cleaner He says, "Steam cleaners can kill bed bugs and their eggs 'Steam cleaners with mattress attachments are good for cleaning mattresses'

Investing in a mattress cover could protect a mattress from a bed bug infestation, but it is worth purchasing even after an outbreak Claire Davis, Tom's Guide sleep editor and certified sleep science coach, explains, "If your mattress already has traces of bed bugs, a fully zippered cover will keep them inside until they die and prevent them from infesting your bedroom or other areas of your home" Claire Davis, Tom's Guide Sleep Editor and Certified Sleep Science Coach, explains

However, while these strategies can help eradicate bed bugs, both Wales and Liakopoulos recommend that you seek the help of a pest control professional to thoroughly eliminate bed bugs from your home

Vacuuming mattresses alone will not eradicate a bed bug infestation However, Wales recommends vacuuming and cleaning mattresses regularly to eliminate bed bugs from bedrooms This way, early signs of an infestation can be detected and the problem can be addressed before bed bugs become deeply entrenched in the home Says Wales, "I recommend vacuuming the mattress and headboard as well as the bed frame"

For additional protection, Sleep Editor Davis recommends investing in a mattress cover Davis explains, "A zippered mattress cover is the best way to prevent bed bugs in your mattress" Whereas regular mattress protectors only cover the top and sides, mattress covers cover the top, bottom, and sides And because it closes with a zipper, there is zero chance of bed bugs reaching the mattress"
