Category : Smart-home

Switching from Samsung Galaxy Watch 4Tizen to WearOS will be a Disaster — Here's why

Switching from Samsung Galaxy Watch 4Tizen to WearOS will be a Disaster — Here's why

With all due respect to my colleague Kate, who claims that Samsung switching the Galaxy Watch 4 from Tizen to Wear OS would be a game changer, I would...

Samsung Week Deal: Huge 85-inch LED4K TV reduced by 5 500

Samsung Week Deal: Huge 85-inch LED4K TV reduced by 5 500

Amazon is currently running a huge sale on Samsung products as part of its Samsung Week promotion The sale includes Samsung's top-of-the-line QLED 4K ...

Razer's new Kiyo Pro webcam delivers sharp 60p video at 1080fps

Razer's new Kiyo Pro webcam delivers sharp 60p video at 1080fps

Razer has launched the Razer Kiyo Pro This is a fairly expensive, high-performance camera designed for those looking to dramatically improve their str...

LG webOS is coming to more TV Brands — why Is It a Big Deal

LG webOS is coming to more TV Brands — why Is It a Big Deal

LG's webOS will be on more TVs than ever before this year, and LG has announced that it will license its webOS platform and app ecosystem to a number ...

Wear OS Smartwatch Feature is Broken for a Month - Google Promises Fix

Wear OS Smartwatch Feature is Broken for a Month - Google Promises Fix

Google's smartwatch platform Wear OS has reportedly been having serious problems for months, but apparently few people have noticed: since November, t...

Apple Glass can clean itself up and change the way we see the world

Apple Glass can clean itself up and change the way we see the world

Possible features for Apple Glass include a self-cleaning feature and a 3D audio feature that navigates with sound, according to Apple's patent applic...

Gatorade's new sweat patch is the biggest wearable ever — and I want to try it out

Gatorade's new sweat patch is the biggest wearable ever — and I want to try it out

Ah, Gatorade - the electrolyte-rich elixir favored by athletes The toxic waste-colored sap we've traditionally dumped over the heads of champion coach...

Arlo's new home security camera is onlyテ99 - the cheapest yet

Arlo's new home security camera is onlyテ99 - the cheapest yet

Arlo cameras appear frequently on our Best Home Security Cameras page, but aside from great image quality and features, they all have one thing in com...