This quick and effective kettlebell finisher is great for burning calories, building muscle, and strengthening your core This routine can be added at the beginning of a workout as a warm-up or as a finisher to finish off tired muscles
The Kettlebell Finisher includes one kettlebell, four movements, and 10 minutes to effectively target multiple muscle groups Employ a strong mindset, set a timer for 10 minutes, and grab a medium weight
If kettlebells are a staple in your home gym equipment repertoire, here are the top five kettlebell exercises for beginners to try Don't have kettlebells? Don't worry, you can use dumbbells instead We recommend a yoga mat for training at home or in the gym
The short finisher combines two kettlebell exercises, kettlebell swings and single-arm kettlebell thrusters, with two bodyweight exercises including golilla burpees and V-taps
Some of the exercises, like some of the best abdominal exercises we swear by, do not look like complete core exercises, but each movement should activate the core enough to drive the movement and mobilize the body under load Each exercise helps build a stronger torso and strengthen muscles throughout the body, including the chest, shoulders, legs, and back muscles [High rep routines are most effective as AMRAPs (as many rounds as possible), which also increase heart rate and help burn calories quickly The kettlebell swings are explained here It's all about quality over quantity Take short rests only when you need them and enjoy them
Perform 8-10 reps of each exercise (thrusters on each side) and repeat one round
The first exercise is the gorilla burpee, which should be pushed out as fast as possible without resting This is a test body weight exercise designed to develop power
Tip: Reps should be powerful and fast Remember to use your breath without holding it
Move straight into the swing, without resting
Tip: Don't squat or send weight to your arms or wrists Exhale and swing the kettlebell upward
How to:
Lower the kettlebell and prepare for V-taps
Tip: Avoid rounding the spine or rolling the shoulders forward Straighten your back and reach for your shins and thighs as needed
Grab your weight and move directly to the last exercise Keep the intensity high and avoid intervening rests whenever possible
Tip: In squats, thighs should be parallel to the floor Hip range of motion exercises for hip flexor pain can help to increase the depth of the squat
How to:
Perform 8-10 times before switching sides After completing, take a quick breath and continue from the top For more challenge, try adding one or two reps per round
Looking for more inspiration? One writer did diamond push-ups every day for a week